
Chemical Industry

Do you need a control system with a “safety-by-design” approach while maintaining flexibility? Progmatic is here for you!

  • Optimize your chemical processes with our customized control systems.
  • Rely on our knowledge of regulations in your industry.
  • Risk management and quality improvement through a management of change approach and validation.

More than 40 years of expertise and experience

100+ projects per year

Loyal customers choose Progmatic for decades

Chemical industry

Progmatic has years of experience in the chemical industry. Your production processes are in good hands with us, whether you need control systems for a new process or replacement or maintenance of an existing control system.

The chemical industry is indispensable in our society and daily lives. It makes products that we come into contact with every day. Think of products such as gas, oil, plastics, cosmetics, paints and coatings. But also products needed during the production of, for example, furniture, cars, computers and so on.

Innovative products

The market demands high-quality and consistent products, but increasingly also new developments. Digitalization, process optimization, modularity, and sustainability are trends in the chemical industry. Flexible automation solutions are needed for this. Safety for people, companies, and the environment must not be overlooked.



ATEX guidelines have been established to protect workers from explosion hazards in the presence of flammable gases, vapors, mists, or dust.

As your partner for industrial automation solutions, we understand the importance of complying with ATEX guidelines in the chemical industry. Progmatic offers customized solutions that meet strict safety standards and regulations to minimize explosion risks, ensure worker safety, and maintain business continuity.

What do other companies think of Progmatic?

Our goal is to turn every customer into a Progmatic fan. Here are three examples:

Wij bij van den Bergh Productie produceren al jaren hoogwaardige beton-losmiddelen voor de beton- en bouwindustrie.
Onze procesinstallatie is sinds 1993 voorzien van de software van Progmatic, door de jaren heen konden we de kennis die we beide hadden in productieprocessen laten samenwerken.

De meerdere upgrades die wij hebben doorgevoerd om ons proces up-to-date te houden verliepen mede door hen vlekkeloos.
De beschikbare kennis en ondersteuning van hun personeel zorgt er voor dat onze processen nooit stil staan.
Voor de toekomst zien wij Progmatic als een waardevolle partner die ons kan ondersteunen in de ontwikkeling en productie van onze processen.

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Rik Cornet - Chief Technical Officer

Sinds jaar en dag is Progmatic onze vertrouwde leverancier. Ze kennen ons proces en weten wat we willen. Progmatic denkt actief mee in de oplossingen, zijn altijd bereikbaar en voor ons een sterke schakel in ons proces.

John van Benten - Bedrijfsleider

Wij zijn blij met Progmatic als leverancier/partner in onze projecten. Als IHC Mining werken we graag met Progmatic i.v.m. het meedenken van de medewerkers, het invullen van diverse vragen voor onze projecten, het uit handen nemen van de noodzaak om de sterk wisselende software wereld bij te houden en de garantie dat vragen door het Progmatic team altijd ingevuld worden.

Het eerste project met IHC was in 2009 met de besturing systemen van de HV frequentieregelaars en de energiedistributie a/b grootste baggerschip ooit gebouwd in Nederland.
Over de jaren tot nu is Progmatic meerdere malen de partner geweest voor het software en controle deel in zowel kortdurende als meerjarige projecten verspreid over de wereld.

Door samen te werken met Progmatic kunnen we bij IHC Mining meer projecten aannemen en ook meer en sneller innoveren in onze wereld van “mineral processing, wet dredge mining en “Deep Sea Research and Mining”.

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Rian Rotteveel - Senior Development Engineer

Some clients of Progmatic active in the chemical sector:

Use the experience of Progmatic

For clients in the chemical sector, Progmatic offers a unique combination of benefits essential for optimizing chemical processes. With our in-depth knowledge of specific laws and regulations in chemistry, we provide reliable automation solutions that guarantee not only safety and efficiency but also flexibility in managing changes and validation processes. Our “safety-by-design” approach, combined with our expertise in management of change and validation, allows us to design customized control systems that perfectly meet your needs without compromising flexibility. This makes Progmatic the ideal partner for any company in the chemical industry striving for optimization, safety, and compliance.

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Discover the power of Progmatic

Progmatic helps companies achieve their goals through automation.

About us

Permanent contact person = personal service

Separate division for quality management

One-time right approach = minimal downtime