
Food and beverage

Do you need improved quality control, further automation to produce more efficiently with fewer errors, or are you ready to migrate from outdated to new control systems? Progmatic is here for you! With us, you are assured of:

  • Flexible and scalable solutions, in line with food safety regulations and your needs.
  • Minimization of downtime in both new and retrofit projects thanks to our 'one-time right' approach.
  • Insight into your processes at all times and from anywhere with a modern, future-oriented, and modular web-based platform.

More than 40 years of expertise and experience

100+ projects per year

Loyal customers choose Progmatic for decades

Smart automation, that's a piece of cake for Progmatic!

Hardly any industry has such high demands for production and packaging as the food industry. For years, Progmatic has been contributing significantly to fast, cost-effective, and above all, food-safe food processing through engineering, development, installation and service of smart automation solutions.

Quality and Quantity

Progmatic provides all the ingredients for the successful implementation of new or replacement automated production lines.

In the food industry, it is crucial to consistently deliver high-quality products. Whether raw materials, semi-finished goods, or end products, reliability in quality is paramount. Additionally, maintaining quantity alongside quality is essential. Beyond these aspects, factors such as innovation, sustainability and energy efficiency are also becoming increasingly important.


New machine controls or retrofit?

If you want to develop or expand a new production line, replace an existing control system to achieve higher efficiency, or prioritize energy savings, machine safety, or cybersecurity, Progmatic can assist you.

Here are a few examples that reflect our extensive experience in this industry:

  • Complete potato processing lines for the production of fries and chips
  • Controls for a bakery’s semi-finished product
  • Conducting a Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E) at a large canning factory
  • Retrofitting at a juice processing company

The role of MES in the food industry

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are essential in the food industry due to their ability to optimize and manage production processes. They provide real-time monitoring, control, and reporting of production activities, enhancing quality, traceability, and efficiency. In a sector with strict regulations and food safety requirements, accurate process monitoring and tracking are crucial. MES systems help minimize errors, reduce waste, and ensure compliance with regulations, while also offering flexibility to quickly adapt to changes in demand or production conditions. In summary, MES systems contribute to improved operational efficiency while simultaneously ensuring product quality and consumer safety in the food industry.

What do other companies think of Progmatic?

Our goal is to turn every customer into a Progmatic fan. Here are three examples:

Na het eerste contact met Progmatic hebben we na wederzijds aftasten een klik gevonden en zijn we een langdurige relatie aangegaan. Deze relatie duurt inmiddels ruim 10 jaar. Gedurende de jaren hebben we de toegevoegde waarde van Progmatic voor Zeelandia gevonden. Van sparringpartner, adviseur tot projectsupport.

Van tekenwerk, storingsopvolging tot het bouwen van een totale procesautomatisering. Dit maakt Progmatic voor Zeelandia een prettige partner waar je op kunt bouwen en vertrouwen.

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Rob van den Ouden - Manager Technical Department

TNA Solutions werkt al lange tijd samen met Progmatic om onze gezamenlijke klanten te voorzien van een premium oplossing. Door de betrokkenheid en passie die de medewerkers van Progmatic hebben voor hun vak zijn ze praktisch een onderdeel van de TNA Solutions familie geworden.

Hun vakkennis en gedrevenheid om de best passende oplossing voor de eindklant te vinden is een van de hoofredenen voor TNA Solutions om voor Progmatic te kiezen.
Het aandragen door Progmatic van alternatieve oplossingen, die beter passen en het niet weglopen op het moment dat het eens tegenzit zit in hun DNA. Prettig om met dit bedrijf samen te mogen werken.

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Hans van der Mars - Plant manager

Als business development en Technical manager van Maltha Glasrecycling heb ik het voorrecht gehad om nauw samen te werken met Progmatic en ik kan met volle overtuiging zeggen dat zij een buitengewone partner zijn. Progmatic heeft zich bewezen als een betrouwbare en professionele leverancier van technologische oplossingen voor onze recyclingfaciliteiten.

Hun toewijding aan het begrijpen van onze behoeften en het bieden van op maat gemaakte oplossingen heeft onze operationele processen aanzienlijk verbeterd. Van geautomatiseerde sorteerlijnen tot geavanceerde trackingsoftware, Progmatic heeft ons geholpen om onze efficiëntie te verhogen en onze milieu-impact te verminderen.

Wat Progmatic onderscheidt, is niet alleen hun technische expertise, maar ook hun uitstekende klantenservice. Ze zijn altijd beschikbaar om eventuele vragen te beantwoorden en bieden tijdige ondersteuning, zelfs na de implementatie van hun oplossingen. Dit niveau van betrokkenheid en ondersteuning heeft ons vertrouwen gegeven in hun vermogen om aan onze behoeften te voldoen en onze doelen te overtreffen.

Kortom, ik beveel Progmatic van harte aan aan iedereen die op zoek is naar hoogwaardige technologische oplossingen voor hun recyclingbedrijf. Hun expertise, toewijding en uitstekende service maken hen tot een waardevolle partner voor elke organisatie.

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Danny Timmers - BE - Manager R&D

Our 'One-Time Right'-approach

At Progmatic, we understand the unique challenges in the food sector and offer tailor-made automation solutions that meet your specific needs. Our flexible and scalable systems are designed to comply with strict food safety regulations while minimizing downtime through our ‘one-time right’ approach. This ensures efficient implementation for both new construction and retrofit projects. Additionally, our modern, future-proof, and modular web-based platform provides you with real-time insights into your processes anytime, anywhere. Choose Progmatic and elevate your food production to the next level with technology that meets the current and future demands of the market.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Does Progmatic have experience in automation for the food industry?

    Progmatic delivers control systems for factories worldwide, including complete potato processing lines, bakery semi-finished products, fruit processing, flour mills, juice processing, and product handling.

  • What aspects are important for automation in the food industry?

    In addition to quality and quantity, innovation, sustainability, and energy efficiency are very important.

  • What role can Progmatic play in increasing efficiency in food production lines?

    Progmatic can assist in implementing automated production lines that increase efficiency, for both new and existing systems.

  • What kind of projects has Progmatic completed for the food industry?

    Progmatic delivers control systems for factories worldwide, including complete potato processing lines, bakery semi-finished products, flour and fruit processing, and various juice productions, among others.

  • What types of automation solutions does Progmatic offer for the food industry?

    Progmatic offers tailor-made automation solutions for production lines, packaging systems, and quality control, among others.

  • What trends and developments affecting automation in the food industry do you currently observe?

    Key trends and developments include the use of robots, digitization, artificial intelligence, traceability, and IoT solutions for production and quality control.

  • What are the benefits of automation in the food industry?

    Automation increases efficiency, enhances quality, reduces labor costs, and minimizes human errors during production.

  • What factors are involved in choosing the right automation system for a food processing plant?

    Reliability, flexibility, user-friendliness, compliance with food safety standards, and the ability to integrate with existing systems.

Discover the power of Progmatic

Progmatic helps companies achieve their goals through automation.

About us

Permanent contact person = personal service

Separate division for quality management

One-time right approach = minimal downtime