
Sustainable energy

Would you like to actively contribute to a sustainable future for our planet while also achieving savings? Discover our solutions:

  • We offer a modular setup for control systems to quickly adapt to changing standards and requirements.
  • Our experience with new technologies, such as hydrogen, enables us to offer innovative solutions.
  • Enjoy having insight into your processes anytime and anywhere with our modern, future-oriented, and modular web-based platform.

More than 40 years of expertise and experience

100+ projects per year

Loyal customers choose Progmatic for decades


Progmatic has made an innovative contribution to the sustainable energy transition by developing an advanced control standard for LIQAL, a specialist in hydrogen refueling stations. This project included the design and implementation of custom software for the efficient operation of hydrogen stations according to the SAE J2601 standard, with particular attention to logging operational data and developing intuitive dashboards for real-time monitoring and analysis. This collaboration highlights our commitment to promoting clean energy solutions and our dedication to technological innovation in the renewable energy sector.


As is well known, much of the food we produce is thrown away because it has exceeded its expiration date or simply because it is not sold. From this organic waste, such as food scraps and garden waste, valuable products can be created through an efficient fermentation process, such as compost and fertilizer. With the help of large digesters, for example, this waste can be converted into biogas. This biogas can be made suitable for delivery to the gas grid or used to drive turbines to generate electricity. Our expertise extends to converting manure into gas and electricity, a particularly relevant and fascinating development within the broader energy transition.

Reuse of residual heat.

The Green Solution is dedicated to the innovative reuse of residual heat from industrial processes, an approach that contributes to both energy efficiency and environmental benefits. By repurposing hot water from cooling systems, we make a significant contribution to sustainable greenhouse heating and eco-friendly weed control.

Progmatic has developed a control standard for hot water loading stations for The Green Solution. Our team was responsible for both the design and realization of the software, including a customer-specific cloud-based reservation system and automatic integration with billing. This project illustrates our commitment to supporting sustainability initiatives and our ability to deliver customized technological solutions that contribute to a more sustainable future.

What do others think of Progmatic?

Our goal is to turn every customer into a Progmatic fan. Here are three examples:

Als startend bedrijf met een geheel nieuw concept werden voor ons al snel de noodzaak en voordelen van verregaande automatisering duidelijk. Met de goede ervaringen die we in het verleden hebben opgedaan met het Progmatic team, was het niet meer dan logisch om ons wederom tot hen te wenden.

Dit heeft geresulteerd in een meerstappenplan om tot een verregaande automatisering te komen. Niet alleen de ontwikkeling van de software, maar ook de ondersteuning in het veld betekenen een geweldige meerwaarde voor onze bedrijfsvoering. Daarom kunnen wij niets anders doen dan Progmatic aanbevelen, waar expertise en toewijding als topprioriteit worden beschouwd.

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Piet Brinkhorst - Directeur

Sinds jaar en dag is Progmatic onze vertrouwde leverancier. Ze kennen ons proces en weten wat we willen. Progmatic denkt actief mee in de oplossingen, zijn altijd bereikbaar en voor ons een sterke schakel in ons proces.

John van Benten - Bedrijfsleider

Als business development en Technical manager van Maltha Glasrecycling heb ik het voorrecht gehad om nauw samen te werken met Progmatic en ik kan met volle overtuiging zeggen dat zij een buitengewone partner zijn. Progmatic heeft zich bewezen als een betrouwbare en professionele leverancier van technologische oplossingen voor onze recyclingfaciliteiten.

Hun toewijding aan het begrijpen van onze behoeften en het bieden van op maat gemaakte oplossingen heeft onze operationele processen aanzienlijk verbeterd. Van geautomatiseerde sorteerlijnen tot geavanceerde trackingsoftware, Progmatic heeft ons geholpen om onze efficiëntie te verhogen en onze milieu-impact te verminderen.

Wat Progmatic onderscheidt, is niet alleen hun technische expertise, maar ook hun uitstekende klantenservice. Ze zijn altijd beschikbaar om eventuele vragen te beantwoorden en bieden tijdige ondersteuning, zelfs na de implementatie van hun oplossingen. Dit niveau van betrokkenheid en ondersteuning heeft ons vertrouwen gegeven in hun vermogen om aan onze behoeften te voldoen en onze doelen te overtreffen.

Kortom, ik beveel Progmatic van harte aan aan iedereen die op zoek is naar hoogwaardige technologische oplossingen voor hun recyclingbedrijf. Hun expertise, toewijding en uitstekende service maken hen tot een waardevolle partner voor elke organisatie.

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Danny Timmers - BE - Manager R&D

Some of the clients we have executed sustainable projects for:

Progmatic's Technical Expertise

At Progmatic, we combine our commitment to sustainability with advanced technical expertise by designing and delivering high-quality software solutions for hydrogen stations and hydrogen dispensers. These systems are equipped with advanced logging functionalities and intuitive dashboards, providing you with real-time insights into the performance and efficiency of your hydrogen energy provisions. Choose Progmatic’s expertise to pave the way to a greener future with reliable and innovative energy solutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Progmatic's vision on sustainable automation?

    We aim for innovative and sustainable automation solutions that contribute to a greener future across various industries.

  • What kind of projects has Progmatic undertaken in terms of sustainability?

    Progmatic has already implemented the automation of several sustainability projects, such as hydrogen stations and dispensers, digesters for organic waste, glass recycling, and the reuse of waste heat.

  • How does Progmatic support its clients in achieving their sustainability goals?

    We not only provide advanced control systems, but also advise and support our clients in implementing sustainable solutions.

  • What sets Progmatic's sustainability solutions apart from the competition?

    Our focus on customization, innovation, and continuous improvement enables us to deliver sustainability projects that not only meet the highest quality standards but also stand out in the market. A distinguishing element is the use of IPS (Integrated Production System), a modern web-based platform that provides clear insights rapidly, as a core component of our approach.

  • How does Progmatic respond to the increasing demand for sustainable solutions within the industry?

    We continue to innovate and develop tailor-made solutions to meet the growing demand for sustainable automation and control systems.

  • Can Progmatic help us achieve our sustainability goals?

    We are enthusiastic and always ready to innovate, not only to share our experiences with you but also to explore new paths together in achieving your sustainability goals.

Discover the power of Progmatic

Progmatic helps companies achieve their goals through automation.

About us

Permanent contact person = personal service

Separate division for quality management

One-time right approach = minimal downtime